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Childhood Vaccine Access

Access to vaccinations is a top health care issue for children

Now a State House Committee is looking to extend a pilot program into long term legislation on who is eligible to administer pediatric vaccinations.

When Covid hit so did increased attention on vaccination programs including those for children

“What the pandemic has sowed us is we can do things differently.we can increase access to children, to families, to life saving health care”

At a State House committee meeting Wednesday whats been done differently is the topic of a House Bill to allow child vaccinations to continue at Pharmacies. Backers say a test program, since 2020

Has been very successful at Pharmacies, with few problems. Doctors and medical societies have been in opposition. But the bill is receiving bi-partisan support, with increased access for pediatric vaccinations also an issue

“So this provides an opportunity for parents to have a choice to take their kids,if they want immunizations. To get them quickly in a manner that is safe,and has worked for the past three and half years”

The bill was approved by the committee and will now go the the full house floor consideration.

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