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More Children Involved In Court Cases

More kids involved in court cases, sadly, it’s an increasing reality.

Officials say along with juveniles being charged they are also seeing more children as crime victims.

This week, in Centre County court, a mother of five was sentenced to state prison in a drug addiction case that resulted in all five kids also being victimized and placed in foster homes.

Centre County’s district attorney says it’s the type of case with children involved that’s a difficult situation, for the families, his office, and others.

“It’s extremely challenging, it’s challenging for the advocates, the attorneys. But more importantly, the victims and their families. The impact sends ripples through our community and the family. They’re very difficult cases to prosecute as well.”

Last December, a space created at the Centre County courthouse, a children’s room, was dedicated to providing a more comforting environment for kids called to testify as courtrooms are seeing more juvenile victims.

“Working with our local group on serious cases of violence where children are involved, we certainly have a number of cases that are working through the system.”

On Tuesday, the Centre County commissioners approved a nearly 150 thousand dollar state grant aimed at assisting victims, both adults and children, that are involved in court proceedings.


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